We have made it simple for implementation by distributing it in different groups. Every group is capable to deliver most out of it which changes the face of sugar industry. We have divided Sugar Factory ERP in eight groups. Group wise Details are follows (Click to Expand and Double Click to Collapse)
Shares most significant but mostly neglected module by Sugar Industry in computerization. Since Sugar Industry is based on co-operative movement, we emphasize on this module and use it as embower of total ERP system. Through this module we can issue Electronic Identification (Smart Cards) with unique identification code to all members. Throughout this ERP system the Unique ID remains unique identification code for all members. I] Shares :
Features & Highlights :
Share allotment by ensuring easy transfer and cancellation of shares.
Instant retrieval of information and maintenance of history of any share holder.
Type of share and information of share holder can be maintained in different categories.
Under MCS Act 1960 I & J register of members can be made available at any time
Instant availability of voters list by their geographical (Village wise, Cast wise etc.) distribution.
Cane supply history of member is available at any time for any purpose like eligibility for election etc.
Exceptional facilities to members like low cost sugar, fertilize and press mud sale is possible.
Reports : I Register. J Register. Shares Certificate.
Avails sugar factory to collect deposits from cane supplier on the basis of management policies. Normally deposits are categorized in two categories like fixed deposits and Sugar cane deposits. Fixed deposits are similar to deposits collected by banks for fixed period and Sugar cane deposits are utilized for internal work like bill processing, Bank payments and other facilities made available to cane supplier after cane supply.
Features & Highlights : Maintenance of different deposit schemes. Interest calculation on deposits. Auto renewal and discontinuation of deposits is possible. Like banking practice individual statement, tarp he index daily and monthly interest calculation is possible.
Reports : Sugar cane deposit handles allotment of interest as and when required. Recovery of outstanding deposit amount during any season is possible. Individual interest calculation bills and book statement is available.
Support @Sugar helps Agriculture department to develop Yearly Cane Development program. With the help of this program analysis of crops is done. Varity of Sugar crop, cycle of available crop is maintained to enhance total sugar recovery and production.
Farmers are benefited by fully automated harvesting and cane development programs. It helps in maintenance of sale of fertilizers and sale of cane as a seed. Sugar plot registration helps farmers and sugar factory to plan cane plantation and crushing. Helps in development of plantation program according to geographical spread like village, taluka, gut, members. Helps in minimizing operational cost by planning expected tonnage and crop yield. Forecasting of production gat wise, village wise is possible.
Farmer-wise and gut-wise tonnage reports.
Bank, society & any other type of deduction like irrigation scheme etc can be incorporated.
Provisions and statutory deduction as per rules along with provision of difference in bill settlement.
Different ways to maintained account of members and nonmembers with different rates, share and deposit deductions etc.
Reports of loyal cane suppliers.
Evolution of cane supplier on loyalty and consistency.
Weigh Bridge, Cane Billing and H-T Billing
Farmers and transporter must have hassle free relation with staff and management. This module judicially maintains relation between management, farmers and transporters. This module ensures speedy, timely and error free payments to harvesters and cane transporter.
Features & Highlights
Recording of sugarcane weight and preparation of weight slip.
Automatic update of slip information from plantation data.
Flexibility to use on-line as well as off line, as required.
Facility for mill-wise allotment of cane.
On-line display of current status of crushing.
Provision for editing the data/slip only by the authorized person.
Reports :
Shift-wise and daily cane crushed reports.
Daily reports of cane transportation and harvesting.
Section-wise sugarcane weight reports from the operational area and villages.
Classification of cane received from members, non-members and gate cane farmers.
Classification of sugarcane according to variety and mode of transport.
Other reports such as type of irrigation, burnt cane, stale cane etc.
Gat-wise cane crushing reports.
Information on the balance cane in the cane yard.
Day book of cane received.
Daily tonnage report.
Bills and Pay Sheet reports are available in different formats and in different period like Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly and Yearly.
Store, Costing and Pump management is an essential to rack the material and profit of any organization rather than going to rack and ruin in a short period.
Store system is based on store, Purchase and store costing. Easier use in traditional management system spell out the success of stores ERP module. Traditional and innovative practices in receipts, Issue, Material in bin and on bin cards, FIFO system, ABC analysis, Min and max. level management can be used easily in stores module
Features Purchase and Costing
On line tender and quotations, comparative statements and purchase orders handling.
Extensive window of all vendors for the best procure
Information of each product with specification and current as well as old rate. Costing in item, Percentage costing with and without tax.
Maintenance of purchase registers and order status.
Facility to purchase material at last moment and at any emergency with provision of settlement of such purchases.
On line bill entry and settlement of supplier bills
Tracing of any material with specification, supplier, and departmental consumption.
Tracking of job or periodic consumption of any item.
Features Stores
Online indent system with attached workflow of general work like Receipts, approval memo, issue Bin management and handling of material ledger.
Online part search with present stock situation.
Accounting of each and every new and old item with consumption ratio.
Purchasing schedule with critical item reports.
Periodical consumption report for each department.
Instant availability of present stock, Dead stock and facility to right off
Bar coding facility with scanner.
Diesel Pump ERP Module records daily on line transactions of diesel pump, it has two sub modules,
Office Module
Pump Module
Features & Highlights :
Diesel is given to Cane transporter on credit by issuing Cane yard
Issue credit note by issuing authority.
Approve that credit note by higher authority.
Secure way to sale Items on credit and avoid any misuse of credit sale facility
To check the approval and Diesel or petrol can be issued on credit if and only if it is approved by higher authority in factory.
Diesel Pump ERP Module records daily on line transactions of diesel pump, it has two sub modules,
Office Module
Pump Module
Diesel is given to Cane transporter on credit by issuing Cane yard
Issue credit note by issuing authority.
Approve that credit note by higher authority.
Secure way to sale Items on credit and avoid any misuse of credit sale facility
To check the approval and Diesel or petrol can be issued on credit if and only if it is approved by higher authority in factory.
Finance module is testimonial for entire Support@SugarERP Module. Every activity in any organization rotates in and around finance management. This module streamlines the financial systems and over all finance activity of Sugar Factory. Flexibility to define groups and ledger is available without disturbance in day to day finance entries. Facility to print on line vouchers like receipt, payment and journal vouchers. Instant availability of daybook, general ledger, trail balance, balance sheet and profit & loss statement besides much other transactional activity.
Features & Highlights :
Easy and hassle free posting of all vouchers like Bank, Cash, Journal etc.
Sequential and automatic number generation for all vouchers.
Authorization facility to all vouchers with tracking system based on number, date, type etc.
Authentication and security levels for clerks, cashier, accountant, Dy.Chief accountant, chief accountant and as per their hirer key.
Authorization Voucher approval as well as Voucher confirmation by only authorized person.(individual Password facility)
Facility for single receipt for multiple cheques.
Day book contains voucher details sorted on accounts and CR, DR vouchers.
Day book printing.
Cash Book
Journal Book
Check issue register
General ledger
Main ledger
Sub ledger
Bank reconciliation statement
Trial Balance
Balance Sheet Schedules with depreciation Schedule
Profit and Loss Schedules
Profit and Loss Account Statement
Balance Sheet
Cash flow, ratio analysis statement
Monthly Cash flow Graph
Year Ending Financial Activities
Advantages : Provision to maintain n number of financial years with carry forward effects. Drill down reports to voucher level. Multi balance sheet format flexibility. Just by one click of mouse button auto posting of any type of voucher. Instant and online voucher printing.
Sugar Industry in cooperative sector need to follow instruction and sales restrictions imposed by the Government. Sugar sale by adhering rules laid down by Government is a tricky job. This ERP module handles all sale and godown management activities by giving justice to statutory and general reports like sale Invoices, receipt entries stock and production summary reports. All time bound and periodic sugar accounting reports can be generated in this module.
Features & Highlights :
Sugar manufacturing and chemical Laboratory greatly helps in achieving better recovery. Increase in a small recovery percentage helps in earning a huge profit. Analytical calculation and various reports indicate proge and cons for lower and higher production.
Features & Highlights :
Reports on daily production efficiency and comparison with old figures.
Reports on chemical uses during manufacturing process.
Guide in uses of right amount of chemical production of steam, bugges, sugar and other bi-products on daily basis.
Other reports like daily stock summary, RG 6 reports, tonnage data can be modifiability.
Recovery verification with stoppage and excess is available.
Reports include the efficiency figures on a daily basis comparable with previous season.
Daily process stock and recovery based on process stock
Verification of recovery on a daily basis
Reason-wise analysis of stoppages
Reports availability starting from the first crushing day till the last bag of sugar production.I] Sugar Sales, Godown management :
Sugar sales include some statutory formats and reports like free sale, Levy sugar and export sugar sales reports.
Online tender allocation and balance can be maintained for all types of sugar varieties.
Stock summery Export and summery with grade and type can be maintained. Daily and other periodic reports can be generated in required format.
Sugar accounting is handled on line. Repeat entry of vouchers is avoided. All statutory registers like form RG23 A, C with Part II, Sugar delivery and release order registers are maintained effectively.
II] Sugar Manufacturing and Laboratory Analysis:
Material from the previous season used in production
All chemicals used in the process
o Steam and bagasse production
o Daily Reports
o Manufacturing report
o Manufacturing summary
o Manufacturing report for the management
o Detailed manufacturing report including efficiency data
o Daily tonnage data
o RG 6 report
o Calculation register
o Stock data
Daily manufacturing report on crop day basis
Weekly report
o Production report for the commissioner of sugar
o Production report for the National Federation
o Production report for the Sakhar Sangh
o Production report for Support Technologies
o Periodical Reports
o RT-7© report with additional information
o Run report (between cleanings)
o RT 8© report with additional statistical information
o Reason-wise analysis of stoppages during the season
In Sugar Industry keeping a track of bi-products is always a big job, proper accounting and keeping inventory of bi-products indeed a profit making business. This ERP module is useful in sale of baggase, press mud, composed with tenders as well as on credit.
Features & Highlights :I] Other Sales :
Sales of various items like buggase, Press mud is possible and information of production and quantity sales easily available.
It keeps a track of weight of records of the entire products produce sugar factory like sugar, distillery, molasses, stores, strap sale etc.
It keeps a sales register of party wise and sale wise.
Gate pass of all the products is maintained.
Sale of Various Items.
o Bailing Point Baggase
o Loose Baggase
Press mud
o Compost
o Production
Take Weight Of Item.
o Sugar
o Distillery
o Molasses
o Store
o Private
Prepare Party A/c.
Sale Registers
Party Wise
Sale Type Wise
Gate Pass
Success of any Sugar factory depends on how effectively they take benefits of their bi product. In the process of sugar manufacturing, molasses is produced and can be utilize as a raw product for distillery. Distillery is a profit making unit which involves entire manufacturing process of any factory.
Features & Highlights :
Generation of purchase order of molasses to the supplier.
Raw material receipts, issue.
Maintain separate ledgers of transporters, suppliers with related reports of supplier wise molasses procurement, consumption, transporters bill, monthly molasses loss and gain as well as consumption reports.
Maintenance of government forms like form A, Form B, Form C etc
Production process involves certain reports which help in increasing production and efficiency of unit.
Such report includes wash preparation and distilled details. Breakdown and stoppage detail reports, manufacturing reports of products like ENA, SDS, ODS, RS -Pure and impure etc.
Certain reports like daily production and sale reports, daily wash reports, production weekly, fortnightly reports, analysis of production and measurement of efficiency performance report.
Sale department involves maintains of sales tender management, preparation of sale invoices. Record keeping of payment receipts and payment issued.
Maintains of customer ledgers and products. Party wise and product wise sales register with essential reports like removal notice, gate pass, sample slip, transport pass etc.
Reports of stock and current positions are being maintained.
Country Liquor :
Country liquor module also can be included in distillery module with facilities of sales, purchase invoices. Reports of utilization of RS, liquor production. Also it keeps records of taxation, TDS records.
Co-Organization :
Reports of baggase utilization, reports of electricity supplied and its sales register. Register of manufacturing expenses
II] Distillery Module :
HR management is an important department helps in keeping healthy relation among the management and staff. Error free records of wages and salary keeps point blank relations between staff, workers & management. This module is advance & tuned to the 6th pay commission. It includes staff records, salary, & wages records with mandatory formats. It maintains leave and attendance & time keeping of staff to generate following documents & reports,
Monthly salary slip & pay sheet
Reports of recovery & deductions
Consolidated reports on bank payments, PF deduction, Total overtime, Bonus etc.
Provision to include deductions as well as fringe benefits at any time, Govt. Reports etc.
Provision for yearly increment with IT return, availability of mandatory Govt. reports.
Maintaining details of employees as qualification work experience.
Civil ERP Module used to maintain records of daily civil works as well as various sheets.
Sheets MIS ERP Module provides top management-level critical information
related to different departments like Cane, Purchase, Inventory, Fixed Assets, Finance,
Maintenance, Payroll and other modules
Critical management level information for sales, purchase, inventory, finance and Payroll Helps top management to retrieve critical information of the organization.I] Time Office & HR Management Module :
II] Civil work administration and planning
Measurement sheet
Abstract sheet.
Daily work allocation of workers.
Create different reports for Sheets & tender.
III] MIS system (On line Information system to management)
Sales - Agent wise orders, top 5 customers with their order value
Purchase - consolidated orders with order value, top 5 suppliers
Inventory - stock details, top 5 fast moving items, top 5 slow moving items
Finance - actual and projected cash inflow and outflow, revenue and expenses, outstanding
against customers and suppliers
Payroll - total no. of employees, new recruits, actual and budget salary amount, can be run
as on any date
Enables top management to take informed decisions.
Facilitates the management in framing future business strategies & company policies.